Is It Worth Getting a Cover For Your Facial Bed?

While running a spa or salon, your facial bed can be your most valuable asset to protect. It symbolizes comfort and unending relaxation when your clients enter your facility. It can also be very expensive as a typical facial bed costs up to $1000. Based on these considerations, it becomes important to find ways to protect this facial bed with a good-quality cover

You might have many questions while looking for a facial bed cover. Some common questions include: What type of facial cover to buy? What size of cover is better for my facial bed? And most importantly, is it even worth buying a cover for a facial bed? This blog will answer why it is very important for you to buy a facial bed cover; especially, if you are running a spa or salon.

Bundle Up: Major Reasons to Get a Facial Bed Cover

One might wonder if a facial bed cover is for those who don’t often use their facial bed. Cleaning your facial bed is not enough to keep it pristine. There’s more that you need to do to protect your long-term investment in a facial bed. Here’s why a facial bed cover needs to be added to your valuable accessories. 


No matter how careful you are with your facial bed, there can always be a mishap. You need to protect your facial bed from any spills or dirt if you want it to last longer. Frequent use of this tool in a salon or spa can expose it to many chemicals that can disrupt its color or appearance. Even if you do not use it for quite a long time, there can be dust or dirt stuck in difficult places

If you want to make your facial bed last longer and in good shape, a facial bed cover is a must-have. You can look into the market for many covers that can provide maximum surface protection due to good quality fabrics


Even if you are not obsessive with minor scratches, you might just drop the resale value for your facial bed due to damage. Some salons or spas keep upgrading their furniture and equipment with the business growth. This also includes selling or replacing the existing facial beds. Due to scratches and poor appearance, the resale value of even a good facial bed can drop considerably

To avoid any nicks and scratches on your facial bed, you need to put a good quality facial bed cover over it. It will help to easily upgrade or replace your existing facial beds in the facility. 


Your facial bed should speak the language of comfort to provide clients with the most optimum experience. One way to make your facial bed comfortable is by purchasing a facial bed cover with soft fabric. You can also use a cover with towel fabric that feels smooth and soft on the skin. Looking for luxury facial bed covers with plush materials can add some cost but will prove their worth. 

It is important to take a client’s feedback on the current covers that you are using. This would help to retain the reputation of your salon or spa as a comfort haven


The aesthetics of your spa should never be compromised with any equipment. As the most important tool in a facility, a facial bed should always look top-notch and professional. Choose a cover that is not old-fashioned, torn down, or ruptured. It can be a major symbol of your professionalism as a service provider. 

The facial bed cover should also compliment the tone and interior of your spa or salon. Using vibrant colors that are not aligned with your interior would be a “Big No”. Consult an interior designer to take suggestions on the right tone to choose. 

Choosing the Right Facial Bed Cover

With a variety of facial bed covers available in the market, you can often get confused about your choice. Quality, comfort, and aesthetics are the major aspects to look for. A cover will not be a pricy item. However, it will have a great impact on your service and facility. 

It is recommended to do thorough research on the multiple fabrics, textures, and colors that can complement your service. This would help you to choose the best facial bed cover for your spa or salon.

If you are looking for more important facts about facial beds, visit Sunlight Spa Supply.