Salon Interior Design Trends for 2023


Even though 2022 was marked with financial concerns and fears of recession, it didn’t affect the interior design industry as much. In fact, we saw new trends and revisited some old trends from the past that made even the staunchest of traditionalists move towards bohemian.

Now that we are in 2023, what are the latest salon interior design trends for 2023? Trends so far have seen a subtle shift towards a new way of living. Natural materials, organic patterns, and ethnic motifs continue to rule as we move forward.

So, what's on the horizon for 2023? Here are a few must-have design trends to implement in your spa.

Natural Light

Rather than artificial lighting, natural lighting and large windows are gaining popularity. As a result, people are beginning to rely on natural light for the most part. Since swallows require famous illumination, it is safer to have a blend of natural and artificial light rather than rely on artificial light alone.

Ensure that you have appropriate curtains and blinds to limit the light whenever necessary.

Stylish Colors

A simple to adopt the latest trends and give your salon a facelift without spending a fortune is repainting the salon. As always, pastels still rule the interior design trends in 2023. But, besides pastels, earthy colors are also coming back in trend. Being a neutral color, it creates a  tranquil environment.

Trends in colors include:

  • Green
  • Dark Blue
  • Soft Gray
  • Violet

Curved Lines

2022 was all about curves and organic forms, which carried forward into 2023. A classic way of bringing curves into your salon is via arches. It can either be in the entryway or in openings between rooms. For a budget version, you can use archways as displays to showcase your retail products.

This trend can extend to your salon furniture too. Upgrade your sofas and lounging chairs to plush couches with curved shapes. In addition to sofas, add a few armchairs; not everyone wants to share their couch with a stranger.

Textured Tiles

Textured tile is one of the new trends to emerge in 2023, especially in the shampoo areas. Not only are they practical, but they are also quite beautiful in an otherwise stark area. In addition, textured tiles are durable and easy to clean.

With texture being introduced in the salon decor, a new layer of interest is created due to the play of light.

You can also introduce tiles to wall decor making it a branding moment if not a feature wall. It gives a whimsical look that dresses up an otherwise functional area.

Whimsical Spaces

Another trend making a big splash in 2023 is small areas with dramatic touches. These areas not only serve as an ideal background for zoom meetings but also double up as an Instagram selfie corner. People would want to capture it for social media, all the while promoting your salon. And above all, these can be achieved on a budget which is ideal if you are experiencing an economic downturn.

Bright and colorful spaces have long since ruled these Instrgam-worthy spaces. However, in 2023, the trend has gravitated toward dark and sophisticated spots for that attention-grabbing effect. 

Wrapping Up

These interior design trends result from our observation of what's happening today. Bright and cheerful spots are going out of fashion, with sophistication coming into the mix. Dark colors create an aura of sophistication and add an extra dimension and drama.

Other elements like arches and textured tiles take you back to the retro era, playing into the boho style